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Cocina de Santi Santamaría, la (El Raco de Can Fabes). Ética del Gusto

Editorial: Editorial Everest, S.A.

Idioma: Castellano

Estado: Consultar disponibilidad

Precio: 68.50€

ISBN: 978-84-241-2574-5

Año: Ene 1999

Descripción de la obra

Este Libro además de las recetas de rigor, recoge una inestimable información historica sobre la manera de cocinar de nuestro país y fuera de él, una agradable descripción del Montseny, el lugar dónde ha nacido el autor y donde trabaja. El libro se completa con unos anexos y con una esmerada bibliografía e índices.
This is a book that knows what itâ s about and is a fun read in the bargain. In addition to presenting a cuisine with its own â identity,â this book provides a wealth of historical information on the art of cooking. Santi Santamaría features people and characters that make his writing nigh on novelistic in its liveliness. The whole treat is served in a limber, concise, accurate prose rich in adjectives and true-to-life expressions that reveal a natural talent cured by the years and reading. In the hands of Santi Santamaría, tradition remains alive, because though he respects and values tradition, he knows how to update it and he knows how to give it that air of novelty that surprises readers, drawing them on. Any description he makes of a dish is a masterâ s class, in addition to being a statement of the very personal nature of his cooking. About his refined, demanding cuisine, he himself tells us that he doesnâ t â cook to feed, but to excite.â
His interest lies mainly in reaching those people who love cooking, who experience gastronomy in general and culinary culture in particular with real feeling and who make responsible, temperate use of their leisure time to seek the spirit of the art of cooking.

Proyecto financiado por la Dirección General del Libro y Fomento de la Lectura, Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte» y «Financiado por la Unión Europea-Next Generation EU