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Casos del Inspector Cito y Chin mi Edo, los Vol.6 "Misterio en el Mundial de Fútbol"


Editorial: Edebe


Nº de colección: 6

Idioma: Castellano

Estado: Consultar disponibilidad

Precio: 9.95€

ISBN: 978-84-236-9620-8

Edición nº 1

Año: Ene 2011

Nº de páginas: 40

Encuadernación: Rústica / Tapa Blanda

Dimensiones: 150 x 190 cm

Descripción de la obra

Two days before starting the Soccer World Cup, the golden cup has disappeared. Cito and Wee Chou fear will have to take a plane to South Africa!! Cito arrives with summer cloth but its winter there. They start investigating but there is so much security systems that it seems impossible and moreover what it was suppose to be blood is tomato sauce with and spicy taste! Cito enjoy the World Cup ambiance, each country has a particularity: music, teacher, cookersâ Cito will eat strange foods, a chicken that happen to be an ostrich, some hard cookiesâ but there are also international restaurants, and while eating pizza, Cito would solve the case: Ah, those Italian cookers!! Lucky our little Spanish inspector always solve the cases, can you imagine the Spanish team wining for the first time and without a cup!!!!!!! Rights sold to China, Turkey and Korea. & 60;br/& 62;& 60;br/& 62;

Proyecto financiado por la Dirección General del Libro y Fomento de la Lectura, Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte» y «Financiado por la Unión Europea-Next Generation EU